Schools & Departments
Schools & Departments

School of Statistics


As early as 1902, a course of "statistics" appeared in the Charter of the Imperial University of Peking. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the research team of probability and statistics of Beijing Normal University pioneered the construction of the major of probability and mathematical statistics in China. In 1981, the team was among the first group to be authorized to grant doctoral degrees. In 1988, the probability and statistics specialty was rated as a national key discipline. In 2019, the QS international ranking of statistics and operations research of Beijing Normal University was between 151 and 200. In the fourth round of discipline evaluation by the Ministry of Education, the statistics discipline of Beijing Normal University was rated Class A.



In the new historical period, the BNU School of Statistics has established the orientation of "big statistics, interdisciplinary and distinctive development". A disciplinary pattern of balanced and coordinated development of economic statistics and mathematical statistics has been developed, aiming to build a first-class statistical science research center and a high-level statistical talent training base. The faculty members of the School of Statistics all have a doctorate, forming a team with a high starting point, strong teaching and research capabilities, and a reasonable distribution of disciplines and professional titles.



Many influential high-level papers have been published in top statistical journals such as Annals of Statistics , Biometrika , Journal of The Royal Statistical Society: Series B and PNAS , including 3 ESI high-cited papers. Meanwhile, the school has undertaken more than 40 national research projects, and has won many provincial and ministerial research achievement prizes. Our school has established dual-degree and summer exchange programs with the statistics departments of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and the University of California-Riverside, George Washington University, National School for Statistics and Information Analysis in France, and the Mathematics School of Cardiff University in the UK. The all-round international development has continuously enhanced the international influence of our school and contributed to the promotion of its international competitiveness and the goal of developing a world-class university with first-class disciplines.