News & Events

"For Youth, For BNUers" 2024 Graduation Party Held

According to the overall arrangement of the university's graduate education, the "BNU YOUNG TIMES" 2024 Graduation Party was held in Qiu Jiduan Gymnasium on the evening of 23 June. About 2,000 graduates watched and participated in the party.

With the theme of "BNU YOUNG TIMES", the party included three chapters, namely "Past", "Youth" and "Future".

As an important part of graduation education, the performers and the security team devoted themselves to creating a stage for the graduates, carrying the deep affection of the graduates to their alma mater, and becoming the most shining chapter of the graduation season of 2024. May the graduates of the Class of 2024 hold high their dreams, take up important responsibilities, and write a youthful chapter of bearing the responsibility for the modernisation of China.