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A student from BNU won first prize in the Short Video Contest for International Students in China

The short video “Seek the Way of Teachers” by Li Xingsheng(SAE CHU NATTHASIT, Tailand), recommended by the School of International Chinese Language Education of Beijing Normal University, won the first prize in the 7th“My Beautiful Encounter with China” Short Video Contest for International Students. This competition was organized by the Chinese Service Center of Scholarly Exchanges (CSCSE).


In his short film, Li Xingsheng revolves around Chinese language learning, culture immersion and his aspiration to be a qualified Chinese language teacher to promote the Chinese language and culture. He actively pursues knowledge and adheres to BNU’s motto “Learn to be a teacher, and act as a model for the world”, striving to learn the ways of being a teacher under the guidance of his mentors.


Li Xingsheng and Teacher Sheng Shuangxia exchange ideas after class


Li Xingsheng participates in the International Chinese Language Day activity

This prize is a testament to the success of the talent cultivation model implemented by the School of International Chinese Language Education, which places emphasis on the holistic development of its students. In the future, the school will focus more on the multi-dimensional development of its students and leverage the resources of both Beijing and Zhuhai campuses to nurture more exceptional talents in the field of international Chinese education.

The 7th “My Beautiful Encounter with China” Short Video Contest is an initiative to encourage international students in China to narrate vibrant and lively stories about China in words and films.