International Workshop on Geography and Sustainability 2021 Held
The International Workshop on Geography and Sustainability 2021 has been held from November 23rd to 24th 2021. The workshop theme is “Geography of the Anthropocene: Transforming our world for sustainable development”, which aims to present the latest research progress on geography and sustainability, provide a valuable contribution to transforming our world for sustainable development. The workshop was organized by Faculty of Geographical Science at Beijing Normal University and Geographical Society of China, collaborated with IGU commission on Geography for Future Earth, IGU commission on Agricultural Geography and Land Engineering, IGU Commission on Geoheritage, IGU Commission on Hazard and Risk, IGU Commission on Land Degradation and Desertification, IGU Commission on Land Use and Land Cover Change, IGU Commission on Water Sustainability, IGU Modeling Geographical Systems Commission, IGU Young and Early Career Geographers Working Group on Geography and Sustainability.
The workshop was freely open to all international audiences through live streaming and attracted more than 500 attendants from 40 countries. The workshop had 11 keynote speeches, which focus on the key research areas on promoting geography for sustainability. With a scientific session for young and early-career researchers, the topics of the 10 panel sessions include land use change, urbanization, agricultural geography, land degradation, water resources, disaster risk reduction, geographic modeling, heritage park and geography education. Around 100 oral presentations have been delivered during the two days’ workshop. Prof. Bojie Fu and Prof. Michael Meadows co-chaired this workshop, gave welcome/closing remarks during the opening/closing ceremony. Prof. Monica Dumitraşcu, Prof. Frank Winde, Prof. Takashi Oguchi, Prof. Paulo Pereira, Prof. Min Chen, Prof. Matija Zorn, Prof. Yuheng Li, Prof. Dongying We, Prof. Yan Li, Prof. Wenwu Zhao, Dr. Gabriela Morosanu, Dr. Xutong Wu chaired these sessions. The workshop was supported by the official journal of IGU commission on Geography for sustainability, which is titled Geography and Sustainability. The workshop will be organized continually, and provide an international platform for communication on promoting sustainable development through an integrated geography perspective.