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[Lecture] Nonlinear Diffusion Equations driven by p-Laplacian operators of nonlocal type

Theme: Nonlinear Diffusion Equations driven by p-Laplacian operators of nonlocal type

Lecturer: Juan Luis Vázquez (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain)

Time: 16:00--17:00, November 11, 2022

Zoom ID: 836-7562-6006, Password: 221111

Synopsis: We will first review some basic models of nonlinear diffusion. The usual p-Laplacian is a model of strongly nonlinear operator with a well-developed elliptic and parabolic theory. In recent years, interest has focused on versions of this model that include nonlocal effects of fractional type. We describe recent results obtained for the nonlocal parabolic theory for p finite. Finally, we discuss a nonlocal infinity Laplacian model motivated by a tug-of-war process introduced by Bjorland, Caffarelli and Figalli.